Black Clover Chapter 201 – Summary and Review
***** Spoiler Alert: This post contains details from the chapter. *****
The chapter began with the Demon finding the exit to the Shadow Palace and getting ready to leave only to encounter Licht.
The Demon remembered how he tried to get Licht’s grimoire by turning it into a 5 leaf clover (which Asta now uses). Out of respect, the Demon attacks saying it would give Licht a proper death.
The fight was intense with Licht’s Demon Dweller sword against the Demon’s word magic. However, the Demon was able to bound Licht and was ready to kill him but he got saved by the Elf using Charlotte Roselei’s body.
Just as she was figuring out what they are up against, Captain Yami also arrives. He cuts off the ropes binding Licht and made it known that no matter his differences with the Elves at that moment, stopping the Demon is more important as it is pure evil. Yami and the possessed Charlotte then proceeds to attack the Demon.
The scene changes to Finral, who just got healed. The anti-magic bird Nero wakes him up and speaks, telling Finral to take it to where the “Demon’s Bones” are.
This chapter shows how it is possible for the Elves and Humans to have a common enemy.
Yami shows his pragmatic nature by allying with the Elves to fight the Demon in a classic case of “The enemy of my enemy being a friend”. And we got a nice surprise with Nero finally talking. That would be something to look forward to next week.

Black Clover manga continues next Friday.
Black Clover follows the journey of Yuno and Asta in their aim to become Magic Emperor. In a world where magic power is everything, Yuno is a prodigy with great magic and skill chosen by the powerful four leaf grimoire while Asta has no magic whatsoever but makes up for it with his strength and attitude and his mysterious five clover grimoire.